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How to Play Monopoly – A Step by Step Guide

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How to Play Monopoly

Monopoly, the classic board game of trading and strategy, has been a favorite for decades. This game is all about buying, selling, and trading properties to build wealth and bankrupt your opponents. But, if you have never played before, or if it has been a while since your last game, the rules may seem a bit complicated. Don’t worry, though! This guide will walk you through every step, from setting up the board to winning the game.

Setting Up the Game

  1. Unfold the Monopoly board and lay it on a flat surface. Make sure all players can reach it easily.
  2. Each player chooses a token. These are the little metal pieces that represent you on the board. They come in various shapes, like a car, a dog, or a hat.
  3. Place all the tokens on the “Go” space. This is the starting point for all players.
  1. Sort the cards into their respective piles. There are three types of cards: Property, Chance, and Community Chest. Place them face down next to the board.
  2. Choose a Banker. This person will be responsible for all the money, properties, houses, and hotels. The Banker can still play the game, but they should make sure their personal funds are separate from the bank’s.
  3. Distribute the initial money. Each player receives $1500, divided as follows: two $500s, four $100s, one $50, one $20, two $10s, one $5, and five $1s.

Playing the Game

  1. Decide who goes first. Each player rolls the dice, and the one with the highest number goes first. Play then continues clockwise.
  2. Roll the dice and move your token. The number you roll is the number of spaces you move.
  3. Take action based on where you land. There are various types of spaces:
- **Property:** If no one owns it, you can buy it from the bank. If someone else owns it, you must pay them rent. The rent amount is listed on the property card. 

- **Chance or Community Chest:** Draw the top card from the respective pile and follow the instructions. 

- **Income Tax or Luxury Tax space:** Pay the amount listed on the board to the bank. 

- **Jail:** If you land here, you are "Just Visiting." If you are sent here, you must either pay $50, use a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, or try to roll doubles on your next turn. 

- **Free Parking:** Nothing happens. Consider it a rest spot. 

- **Go to Jail:** Move your token to the Jail space. 
  1. Buy properties to create a Monopoly. Owning all properties of the same color gives you a monopoly. This allows you to charge higher rents and build houses and hotels.
  2. Build houses and hotels. Once you have a monopoly, you can buy houses and hotels to increase the rent. Houses cost the price listed on the property card, and you can upgrade to a hotel after buying four houses.
  3. Trade with other players. This is a strategic part of the game. You can trade properties, money, and “Get Out of Jail Free” cards.
  4. Avoid bankruptcy. If you owe more money than you can pay, you are bankrupt and out of the game.

Winning the Game

The game continues until only one player remains who is not bankrupt. This player is the winner.

Tips and Strategies

  • Buy properties strategically. Some properties are more valuable than others. For example, the orange and red properties are landed on more frequently because they are closer to Jail.
  • Don’t forget about trading. If you can’t get a monopoly through buying properties, try to trade with other players.
  • Use houses and hotels wisely. They can be a significant investment, but they can also bring in a lot of rent money.
  • Stay out of Jail later in the game. Early on, Jail can be a safe place where you can still collect rent without landing on other players’ properties. But later, it can prevent you from moving around the board and buying properties.


Monopoly is a fun and strategic game that requires both luck and skill. With this guide, you should be well-prepared to start playing. Remember, the most important part of any game is to have fun!

Happy gaming!


  1. Official Monopoly Rules
  2. Monopoly Strategy
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